
Drawer and Cabinet Repair: The Ins and Outs

Any idea what toothbrushes, turkey basters and canned goods have in common? That’s right, they’re all stored in cabinets. Whether ...

Casement windows: The ups and the downs

The topic of the day is casement windows. You may be familiar with them. They usually go by a different ...

Storm doors and impossible projects? No problem.

I had plans to meet with two of my colleagues last week, but was delayed due to a very difficult ...

Remodeling for the Growing Family

I really enjoy home expansion projects for growing families. It’s always nice to take down a wall to make space ...

4 Reasons to Consider Installing a Chimney Cap

If your chimney is not in current use, there are several important reasons you should consider investing in a chimney ...

Laundry Dryers: 3 Vents that Made no Sense

A common summer home repair involves laundry. Specifically, dryers and the vents that allow them to work properly. Some dryer ...

The 4 Stages of Mailbox Repair

After a rough winter, mailboxes tend to receive the short straw. They’re repeatedly buried in snowbanks formed by plow trucks, ...

Giant Icicles: Removal and Home Repair

Picture this: a giant icicle hanging off a roof. How big is it in your mind, maybe 5 or 6 ...

Drywall Repair: Matching Any Custom Design

Drywall repair can be a tricky DIY project when the repair area has custom designs to be matched. One of ...
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