The topic of the day is casement windows. You may be familiar with them. They usually go by a different name here in New England: crank-outs.
Here are the ups of casement windows:
1.) They are visually attractive. No other windows combine rustic beauty with modern functionality like casement windows.
2.) Casement windows offer maximum air flow. With their wide-open hinged design, these windows are ideal for letting in the summer breeze.
And the downs:
1.) They can be difficult to operate. There are many different types of casement windows, and with age the cranks and mechanisms can become stiff or troublesome.
2.) Casement windows can be inefficient. Even when closed for the winter, older casements do not offer the most efficient heat insulation. One economical solution is to replace old casement windows with vinyl or wood double hung replacement windows for better insulation.
Casement windows offer a classic cottage feel to any home. They are ideal for summer homes and can be a cost-effective way to increase your property value.