Looking for a Custom Fridge Installer in NH?

Need a fridge installer? We provide custom construction to fit your fridge anywhere. We’ve installed a lot of fridges this time of year. It always seems that “bigger is better” in the world of refrigerators. Maybe it’s because hunting season is just around the corner and hearty New Hampshirites are preparing for pounds of venison […]

Family Expansion Leads to Home Expansion

I remember when my family started to grow. As soon as we confirmed that my wife was expecting, we started to remodel a bedroom for the arrival of our new member of the family. When we were expecting our second child, we remodeled a second bedroom. When the children reach school age, another remodel takes […]

Lead Paint and Babies Don’t Mix

Recently I had a customer ask me to give him a price for remodeling a room for his 4 month old son. I looked at the room of his house that was built around 1915 A.D. It was being held together by wall paper and lead paint. With a young child in the house I […]

Small Remodeling Projects My Favorite

Some of my favorite jobs are small remodeling projects. BSR Services, along with my colleagues at Harris Cabinets, have had a really enjoyable time collaborating on a small home remodeling project in Hopkinton, NH. The outcome of the project will be turning an existing formal dining room into a fourth bedroom. I’ll begin by erecting […]

Drawer and Cabinet Repair: The Ins and Outs

Any idea what toothbrushes, turkey basters and canned goods have in common? That’s right, they’re all stored in cabinets. Whether it’s a vanity, a medicine cabinet or a pantry, cabinets play an important role in all kinds of household storage. Next time you’re making dinner or searching for a late night snack, take a minute […]

Casement windows: The ups and the downs

The topic of the day is casement windows. You may be familiar with them. They usually go by a different name here in New England: crank-outs. Here are the ups of casement windows: 1.) They are visually attractive. No other windows combine rustic beauty with modern functionality like casement windows. 2.) Casement windows offer maximum […]

Storm doors and impossible projects? No problem.

I had plans to meet with two of my colleagues last week, but was delayed due to a very difficult storm door installation project. I texted the guys I was supposed to meet with and explained I had just installed the “storm door from hell.” I couldn’t think of a better way to describe the […]

Remodeling for the Growing Family

I really enjoy home expansion projects for growing families. It’s always nice to take down a wall to make space for Junior’s crib and toys. I remember when my family started to grow, many years ago. As soon as my wife and I realized she was expecting, I began to remodel a bedroom for the […]

4 Reasons to Consider Installing a Chimney Cap

If your chimney is not in current use, there are several important reasons you should consider investing in a chimney cap: 1.) Squirrels, mice and other critters love to make nests inside the top of chimney flues 2.) Bats use the chimney as a safe hiding place or an accidental portal into your home 3.) […]

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