How to be a Proactive Homeowner
How to be a Proactive Homeowner Being a proactive homeowner carries with it a lot of responsibilities. You have to be aware of changes as they happen in your home, and you have to have a certain amount of skill to handle minor construction projects. My friend John is a great example of a proactive […]
The Battle of the 500lb. Icicles
Last week I met with a BSR customer after the wake of one of our snowstorms. Last winter he had complained to me that he was having 500 lb. icicles falling off his roof onto his deck; which is about ten feet off the ground. He was very concerned. He told me that he liked […]
The Cedar Mill Group Experience
This week I want to talk about my wonderful experience with Geoff Martin & Cedar Mill Group. I was given the opportunity to bid on a drywall job for a project that CMG was working on. They accepted my estimate & after submitting several legal documents, I was allowed to start the job. When I […]
The Do-It-Yourselfer Meets His Match…Drywall
We all have the friend who has a growing family and needs to create more living space using the existing space in their current home. A lot of times this homeowner is a do-it-yourselfer with some decent skills he picked up working summers for a construction company in his college years. He will begin the […]
Cleaning Up Water Stains
How about those pesky water stains on your kitchen or dining room ceiling. Driving you crazy yet? Most home owners have personally experienced the trauma of looking up and seeing a dingy brown circle that has magically appeared. I know my friend has. In his case he’s had water damage in his kitchen ceiling since […]
Adding Value to Your Home is a Win-Win
Sometimes adding value to your home is costly and a bit of a hassle. But other times, it can be very cost-effective and incredibly rewarding. This week I experienced an exciting and diverse carpentry project. The scope of work included replacing an exterior door that had a rotted frame, installing vinyl shutters on a section […]
Small Remodeling Projects My Favorite
Some of my favorite jobs are small remodeling projects. BSR Services, along with my colleagues at Harris Cabinets, have had a really enjoyable time collaborating on a small home remodeling project in Hopkinton, NH. The outcome of the project will be turning an existing formal dining room into a fourth bedroom. I’ll begin by erecting […]
Spring Repairs: Aluminum Rake Board Covers
In the early spring I encountered this common “Honey-Do List” item: repairing the aluminum covers on the rake boards that blew off during a winter storm. A lot of times, projects like this get put off until the end of winter, and my springtime is filled with interesting repair projects. A staff member, Damian, received […]
Drawer and Cabinet Repair: The Ins and Outs
Any idea what toothbrushes, turkey basters and canned goods have in common? That’s right, they’re all stored in cabinets. Whether it’s a vanity, a medicine cabinet or a pantry, cabinets play an important role in all kinds of household storage. Next time you’re making dinner or searching for a late night snack, take a minute […]
Casement windows: The ups and the downs
The topic of the day is casement windows. You may be familiar with them. They usually go by a different name here in New England: crank-outs. Here are the ups of casement windows: 1.) They are visually attractive. No other windows combine rustic beauty with modern functionality like casement windows. 2.) Casement windows offer maximum […]